Telecommunications, Media, & Technology

Communications, media and technology companies are the backbone of the information economy. We provides insights and analysis into the enormous change that is at the heart of the digital transformation sweeping the telecommunications industry.

Our technology team is dedicated to delivering effective solutions to the complex business challenges facing communications companies. We help you with digital strategy, customer experience and technology migration. We also bring insights into the latest technology revolutionising the telecommunication industry, such as Internet of Things (IoT), and leading knowledge on data management and security.

Our Clients

Truuth is one of the fastest growing start-up is Australia. We helped Truuth to pave the way for cutting-edge offerings in KYC, Biometric Authentication, Digital Identification of ID documents and Face Recognition:

  • Passwordless Authentication: Eliminate your dependence on insecure passwords. truuth enables authentication with any combination of face, voice, and fingerprint biometrics to deliver a more secure and user-friendly authentication solution.
  • Fraud Detection: fraud detection by combining user ‘liveness’ tests with AI/ML checks of identity document authenticity to deliver up to 99.999% accuracy in user identity.
  • Digital Onboarding: Reduce cost of acquisition and deliver a seamless user experience by signing up new customers with our fully digital KYC process.

Read Case Study

We assisted Optus with modernising their billing platform:

  • Customer Records
  • Invoicing and Billing
  • Financial Management
  • Operational and Management Reporting and Analytics

Our Capabilities

Billing & Invoicing
Identity and Privacy